Kate and I started "Mom and Tot" swim class this week. Her friends Molly and Grayson are in the class, and she made some new friends including Amora. The kids are becoming acquainted with the water such as dunking their heads, tracking objects, kicking, and blowing bubbles in the pool. There seems to be more crying and whining than laughing, but not by my perfect daughter of course (insert sarcastic tone). Just kidding, Kate has been a pretty good sport these past two days. She is not too fond of the dunking but she is becoming more comfortable in the water. Today she was pretty brave and showed off some of her skills such as trying to stand on the foam board as if she was surfing and "blowing" bubbles. Ok. She was really drinking the water, but it is a start, right?! She even went down the slide a couple of times!
Woohoo! Going down the slide!
Don't let me go Mom!
Oh golly Miss Molly! Not having so much fun at the pool that day.
Jahan and Amora
Grayson with Gram.
In other news, Kate had her 15-month well-check this morning and was given 3 shots! Poor baby. Talk about being a good sport, she went to swim class right after her shots! The doc said she is doing well. Kate now weighs 23.9 pounds, is about 31.5 inches in length and her cabeza is around 18 inches. The only concern was her not so great vocabulary. He asked me how many words she has and I said, "one", because she really only associates the word "dog" with, well, the dog. However she does have a lot if you include the random words she says such as, mama, dada, nana, this, go, yeah...to name some of the everyday words. We have noticed that she is pointing a lot more and "talking" with her sentences ending in "loto", which is really cute. Kate also shakes her head "no" when she does not want something. She is walking and trying to run, climbing on everything, and of course very curious about everything - so she gets into EVERYTHING! She is just changing and learning so much we can't believe how fast she is growing. It makes me miss the infant days, but now there is so much interaction and fun times that we are just enjoying this time with Kate!