So back to the language part, at 26 months of age Kate is putting 2-3 words sentences together, sometimes even more. She still loves Yo Gabba Gabba and names all of the characters and even has a "Brobee" doll. Our love for Yo Gabba Gabba is such that we are taking Kate to see them LIVE in San Diego in November (Nana Delia, Mimi Linda and I). Kate is getting into Olivia and her Mimi bought her a miniature Olivia doll and she loves "leeveeyaa". I feel as though the tantrums are not as bad either since she can now communicate with us with words and express her needs and wants more. Don't get me wrong, she is still a pain (sorry Kate but you will understand when you have a kid of your own) but far more manageable now that the screaming, grunting, pointing and pouting are being replaced with words. She is just getting to be more enjoyable and there are more laughable moments. Such as when we pass McDonald's and every single time she sees it she screams "nonolds!!!!!" or we pass the pool and she says "POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL". Milk is "nilk" and we have progressed from "mamma" and "dadda" to "mommy" and "daddy". She is even counting to 10, with assistance of course ~ thanks to Mimi! Our little girl is growing up so fast before are eyes and it makes me sad, but I look forward what the next day will bring us.
I don't have pictures to match this blog, but here is a recent outing to the park ~ notice pigtails? It is a hassle at times (still) to comb Kate's hair but she is slowly letting me do it!
Don't I look cute in pigtails?
Big slide all to myself ~ funny story...Kate had the park to herself and when 3 other kids arrived later she started yelling, "miiiiinnnnnnneeeeee!"
What do you do with this?
Oh! You ride it like this!
Kate and Daddy
Racing down the slide ~ ok, so it looks like I (Annette) am stuck in the slide, but I am not!