Kate had a busy weekend! She traveled with Nana, Ma (her great-grandmother), Chris and I to Chandler, AZ to party with the Perez clan for her Bella's 5th Birthday. The next day we made our way to Rocky Point to take Ma home and the very next day we made it back safely to Yuma. Whoo! That's a whole lot of travel time with a 2-year old in a car!
Kate had been pretty moody since Friday. Nana attributed it Chris and I having been gone for two days ~ mommy and daddy needed an adult vacation to celebrate another successful school year and beginning of summer break! However, Kate is, well, Kate. She is just moody! Don't know where she gets that from? Not only is she moody, she is 2 ~ they are supposed to be awful at this age, right?! It also could have been because I made the mistake of telling her we were going to go to the park to see her cousins Bella and Nati. Little did she know that she would not be at the park until 5pm. Not that she has any idea about time frames, but I am sure she thought 'why the heck is it taking so long to get to the freakin' park?!'. Needless to say the trip to Chandler was not our idea of a good time. We were pretty much wiped out by the time we got there. Our hotel room was not ready so we headed over to the mall. Normally, I would have been in heaven...but, we had Kate with us. She was tired. We were tired. It was hot. I got some cute clothes for Kate and she got popcorn and a stroller ride in the mall stroller rental. However, not good enough for any of us since we all needed some rest before the party.
Anyhow things changed when we got to the party. Kate was happy to see her cousins Bella and Nati. She did not want to join in the water fun but had a blast running around all over the park and hitting the pinata. By the time we got back to the hotel and gave her a bath she was ready for bed! Mommy and daddy had time to relax but then we heard a "THUD" and screams coming from Kate; poor baby rolled off the pull-out couch bed ~ even with pillows surrounding her she managed to fall out! Since I was freaked out about it happening again I slept with her on the pull-out. Kate is a wild sleeper I must add. At one point she stole the blanket and was sleeping on it and her feet were kicking my chest.
Kate with Nanalu and Nana
Bella the birthday girl loving all eyes on her!
Kate with Nanalu and Ma
Kate hitting the pinata
Nati loving the water!
Bella encouraging Kate to go with her in the water ~ so sweet!
So I was thinking that after running wild at the park and getting a good night's rest Kate would be ready for her next road trip. I think we counted 8 cries in 4 to 5 hours? Let's see what made Miss Kate upset:
1. She did not want her diaper changed;
2. She fell off a chair;
3. She tried giving her cousin Nati a hug and tumbled into the corner of the dresser;
4. Kate did not want to get in the carseat;
5. Who knows;
6. Wanted my thirstbuster;
7. Who knows;
8. Can't keep track...
Needless to say we were all in need of a strong drink by the time we made it to Rocky Point! After our much needed drinks ~ Ma busted open her bottle of wine, Chris, Nana and I had beer ~ we made our way down to the beach. I think the pictures show how happy Miss Kate was being outside. We all realize that it is very difficult for a 2-year old to be trapped in a carseat for a long period of time and empathized with poor Kate just wanted to be outside playing. Needless to say, she LOVED being out on the beach. I am happy to report that on the way home she was a great traveler! Gotta love the iPad that we loaded up with 14 episode of Yo Gabba Gabba!