Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ballet Part Deux

Kate's second session at ballet was fabulous!  To be honest, I had to bribe her but whatever.  Mommy told Kate that if she was a good girl and listened to Miss Catherine (her ballet teacher) and "no fits" she could go to the dollar store and buy 3 things.  Kate LOVES the dollar store by the way.  The bribery worked!  Kate did not cry and did not tell Miss Catherine "no" once.  Did I mention at the first ballet class Kate was super sassy and yelled "no!" to Miss Catherine?  Anyhow, Kate was SO excited about ballet and was following instructions and kept looking at me or coming up to me and telling me, "I'm being good", "can I go to the dollar store now?", "mom I did it!  I'm doing ballet!".  It was really really cute.  I did have to sit in the room with her to get her to cooperate but it worked.  The third ballet class was even better as Kate listened to Miss Catherine and I sat in the waiting room with all the other parents.  I could hear Kate yelling at me "Mom I did it!"  "Mom look at me!".  She is so cute.  Kate earned her lollipops the past two sessions.  Papa took her today, her fourth lesson; I can't wait to hear what he says about Kate.

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