Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Kate and the family celebrated Easter at Mimi and Grandpa's house.

They hosted a delicious Easter breakfast and Kate enjoyed hunting for the Easter eggs. She was so cute; each time she "found" an egg she had to open it and eat what was inside before going on to the next.

When I say "find", they were pretty easy to spot even for a 2-year old. Daddy was teaching her to find the eggs and put them in her Easter basket.

Kate didn't get an Easter basket from us; but she did get a present. I found her an miniature Pottery Barn Kids anywhere doll chair that matches the one she has. When I told her it was for her doll, she said, "NO, monkey's chair!" But then, she decided it was her chair and monkey could sit in her chair. Kids. So. Funny.

1 comment:

  1. They always want to use the toy baby stuff for themselves. I have a feeling this will be a problem come August.
