Well our Summer is coming to an end as Chris is back to work and I return next week on the 11th. We have had a FANTASTIC summer break and truthfully are not ready to go back to the real world. Kate did a lot of swimming with mommy and daddy and pretty much hung out with her friends at the sitter's house.
No big news around here other than we are slowly introducing potty training into our house. We figure Kate will let us know when she is serious about it. I am actually not in a rush to potty train and we are not stressing about it. We are relying on Lori, Kate's sitter, to let us know when Kate is ready...because let's be honest...Lori will be doing the majority of the training!
A funny story about that...we came back from swimming one day and Kate had her swimsuit on (or "swinsut" as she calls it) with her swim diaper and she tells Chris and I, "I go PEE!". We run over to where she is and sure enough she went pee. We told her when she pees to tell us first then go to potty (we do a lot of "first" "then" around here). As I was taking her to her potty to show her, and getting her bath ready to rinse off the pee and pool water, she bolts towards Chris as he was cleaning up the pee with resolve and says, "that's where I went pee!". We thought this was too funny and pretty impressed how perfectly she said it!
That's the other news around here...Kate is talking up a storm. Sometimes she just says random things with words she knows and other times she is going on and on about something. Most of the time when we are in the car Kate loves to point out things like "that water!" or "that plane!". Chris told her that when the plane lands they are napping so when Kate sees the plane she shouts "hi plane" and then will say "bye plane, go night night." Other times Kate just loves to say our names over, and over, and over again. When we answer her she mostly says, "that mommy" while talking to Chris and vice versa. Or she says, "I got arm...I got other arm" or other random stuff to get our attention. I cannot believe how worried I was because she is counting to 10 and even trying in Spanish. She knows the colors blue and purple, she can identify the letter "A", she can sort her blocks and puzzles and match items, she knows and names her body parts, and of course mimics everything we say (so I really need to watch what I say!). For instance, yesterday she put on her play-toy heels and I told her she couldn't wear her hooker heels to the sitter's house and she said, "I hooker". Whoops! Kate is also starting to take an interest in books and pretend play. Her favorite book right now is "Goose and Duck find a pumpkin"...she mostly likes it because there is part where one asks the other questions and the response is "NO" and I make funny voices and faces to go with it. Chris and I caught her reading the book and she was saying "NO" in the funny voice that I do. So cute!
Not much else to say other than Kate is a bright, funny, and adorable toddler ~ with of course the tantrums and other fun things that go along with being 2.