Kate dressed up as Olivia the Pig for this Halloween 2011. We practiced early on with trying on the outfit, which she LOVED. We also practiced saying, "trick or treat" and of course "thank you" after she gets her candy and "Happy Halloween!" We went to my mom's house and she was so excited...I kept going over the routine so she wouldn't freak out such as telling her first bath, then costume, then candy. This settled her for a while until she had the costume on and we hadn't eaten dinner yet, damnit...so then I had to throw in "dinner then candy". Life with a 2-year old...I'm telling you! So then after dinner we told Kate she had to wait until it was dark to go trick or treating. She was pretty patient and kept saying, "wait dark..." So then we were off to trick or treat...I think the build up must have been a let down because as you can see from the pictures she was pretty somber. I think, Nana, Mimi and I were more excited. Well, she looked so cute how could we not be! Things pretty much went downhill as we walked out the door. Kate did not want to get out of her wagon or say "trick or treat" like we had been practicing. When she did get out of the wagon she wanted to pull it, in the street of course. Then when we finally got her to walk hand in hand with one of us, she still would not say trick or treat and she wanted me to hold her most of the time. Oh well, we have many more years to practice and get it right!
Happy Halloween!