Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cutest Pumpkin in the Patch!

We went to visit the Pumpkin Patch on Friday evening with Kate. Once again, it was a new experience for her and she was taking it all in. Therefore, this kid does not seem to take any interest in picture taking when she is in a new environment; who am I kidding? She is like her dad and has no interest in sitting pretty for a picture. Doesn't she know she has to do this stuff for me? I stay awake at night and think about the perfect outfits and poses for her and then it's picture taking time and, of course, it does not come out the way I imagined at all. Oh well, that is part of my neurosis that Kate and Chris will have to endure for their entire lives. I will continue to find the perfect outfits and take all the pictures I want, because I am a mom, and that is what we, or at least I do!

As far as a Halloween costume, Kate does not have one. She is just going to be her fabulous self and wear what you see her in. I was going to get her a monkey costume, because that is what we call her, but they are so thick and heavy that I decided against it. Oh well, we have many more Halloween's ahead and I am sure we will come up with some good costumes in the future!
After the pumpkin patch we took Kate to a secret hideaway...a taco stand. This place far out and I couldn't tell you how to get there but the food is delicious. It seems like the who's who of Yuma goes there. So of course, lil Miss Kate was there! I figured she needed to get down to her roots and experience an illegal, no business license, type of establishment. Only fine dining for the Howard's! As you can see from the picture she was trying to reach for the plate of cabbage and bottles of salsa. Last week was bacon, this week tacos...we shall see what next week brings.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

My name's Kate and I love BACON!

So we took Kate to Brownies for breakfast; yes, fine dining for the Howard's as always. Well I should say we went to eat and Kate had to watch us eat. She sat in the highchair like a big girl and was pretty well behaved. She loved the attention from the waitresses and looked around this new place she had never been to before. Then, it happened...she saw bacon. As soon as my plate was put down in front of me her hand grabbed a piece of bacon off my plate and she put it in her mouth. No more rice cereal s@#% for her! I thought it was cute and immediately began snapping pictures of it while her dad took it from her hand and pushed the plate from her. Lil Miss Kate was not please as she started grunting and kinda growling wanting her bacon. If I can get her to eat more of that yummy rice cereal (haha) and jars of baby food, then maybe we can talk bacon kid.

"hmmm, what's that smell coming towards me?"

"mmmm, bacon..."

"just one more taste...must have bacon"

"dad you are so mean...just one more bite pleeeeaaasssssssse"

"Look at my grill..."

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Back in Business!

So, we were temporarily out of the blogging business. We had SPAM sent to our old email address and we had to create a new one. Little did we know it would wipe out our blogspot account! Sadly, we did not print our posts and there seems to be no way of recovering that information. Luckily, we have all the photos on our computer and I have been keeping a journal of Kate's highlights so at least we have that.

On to new happenings in Miss Kate's life. She cut her first tooth last Tuesday, October 6th. I do not have a picture of it but when it really "pops" out I will try to get one. It looks like the other bottom tooth, right next to the one that has popped out, is trying to make an appearance as well. She has been pretty good considering the horror stories we have heard about the teething process. OR, we are just used to our cranky baby so any signs of teething were probably overlooked.

Also new this week is Kate standing in her crib. Now when we walk in her room there she is in standing position. She tries to pull herself up when she is on the floor but she usually grabs onto something that is not too steady so she falls on her butt. She is also very curious and grabs at anything that looks interesting to her; usually things I do not want her getting into, NO, we have not baby-proofed our home yet! In fact, I am going to have to put everything away in her room, decorative items that is. She is crawling and reaching for everything so playtime is supervised! I can't even leave the room to make a bottle because she gets into something which results in a cry. She banged her head on a small tin toy container yesterday. Kate saw it on her bookshelf, crawled towards it, pulled the box and all of the toys out, and of course was more interested in the tin box itself than the toys in it. Next thing I know I hear a cry and see a red mark on her forehead! Needless to say, she is fine.

Kate is also "talking" more. Yelping and screeching is more what it sounds like. The noises are so funny I need to record them so you can hear what we hear. She is starting to entertain herself, which gives us little breaks to get some housework or other tasks done.

I just thought this was a cute picture of Kate. She has always LOVED bathtime and her hair is now long enough to make "pineapple" head or other silly things out of it.

Another cute picture of Kate and her BFF, Blake. Poor Blake, we have now resorted to calling him "Lenny," from the book "Of Mice and Men." I never read it so forgive me if I mis-titled the book or misspelled the name. Anyhow, I know the premise and Blake is like this big dumb dog that does not know his own strength and I fear that he is going to "paw" at her or roll on her. However, on this day he was very sweet and gentle and wanted to "play" with Kate. He still does not know what to make of her!

We also took family pictures at Gateway Park on October 3rd. As you can see from the picture, that is exactly how Kate felt about the whole thing. She and her dad HATE taking pictures. Luckily Chris cooperated, but Miss Kate did not. We did not get one picture of her smiling, but I still think we got some cute pictures. Chris is not going to want to hear or read this, but we are going to take more in November!
So all in all, that is what happened this week. Exciting stuff people! Keep posted for new and exciting adventures in Kate's world.