Friday, November 25, 2011

Christmas Pictures

Oh what fun it is to take Christmas pictures...NOT! Don't get me wrong, I am a total ham and LOVE the camera. Kate and Chris on the other hand, not so much. This year we decided not to partake in the Christmas photo and have Kate be the main attraction. Of course. What else is new right? Our friends, the Kings, let us use their gorgeous home as the backdrop. We just let Kate roam and I took photos. A total of ten minutes, it was perfect for all of us. One of these days we will all be able to sit for a family photo. Until then, Merry Christmas from Kate!

Kate had so much fun playing with the water fountain; too bad she got dirt all over her dress!

Kate show me your teeth...this is how we get Kate to smile for the camera.

I thought the combination of Kate in a dress riding her tricycle was cute; it shows her "I'm a princess" side and her tomboy side.

Look at me mom, here I go...

Show me your teeth Kate...
Kate, please don't break the lawn decorations...oops. Sorry Jody and Suzy!
That's all folks!

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