Monday, December 19, 2011

Tamalepalooza 2011

Growing up I never helped in making tamales. My grandma always made them and I think she preferred making them by herself. One year while I was away at the U of A, Chris had called and told me that he and Gary helped my mom make tamales. I was in shock that my mother, a bit of a control freak, allowed others to help her make tamales. I think that was 13 years ago. Well here we are and the new family tamale making tradition continues, including Kate. Papa (Gary) is the one who began calling it Tamalepalooza and we had aprons made for the family members. Bum Bum is "Masa Boy", Papa is "Hoja Boy", and now Grandpa Mike is "The Meat Squeezer" - to affectionately remind him not to squeeze the juice out of the meat so we don't have dry tamales (like we did one year).
I love that Kate can now partake in this fun family tradition! Happy Tamale-making everybody!

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