Kate went to her first family reunion ~ as did I! Kate's great-grandmother (my maternal grandmother) and her two siblings, along with many family members, hosted this huge event in Puerto Penansco Mexico. My grandmother was one of seven children. Each of those children were represented with a particular color t-shirt. We were the "Green Team". My grandmother (and grandfather who is deceased) had three children. Those three children had nine children. Three of those children now have children themselves! My grandmother was so proud to have all of us there to celebrate. To be honest I didn't mingle as much as I would have liked since I was running after my little green speed machine! Kate had so much fun despite the 100+ degree temperature and humidity (yes, it was HOT and the events were held outdoors). Once the music started up, Kate was on the dance floor shaking her thang. Since we came home she has been crashing early ~ I guess she is still recovering. I tried to load of video of her dancing because it was so cute and funny ~ white girl (well, half white) has some moves!

(The "Green Team": Luis, Cesar, Ish, Gary, Annette, Kate, Chris, Eric (Top Row); Marilu, Fausto, Olga "Ma", Delia (Middle Row); Angelica, Barbara, Marianna, Natalia, Bianca, and Isabella. Missing: Carla, Tony, and Kassandra.

(The ENTIRE (almost) Lizarraga Family!)

(all the cousins ~ so Kate's second, third, etc. cousins)