Sorry Kate my love, but seriously, your hair was out. of. control. We needed to do something to tame those locks.
Hello scissors!
I took Kate to see my hairdresser, who is also my sis-in-law and Kate's aunt. Nana showed up for the first cut too. So let me point something out. Kate will not let me comb her hair. I have tried several combs and brushes. That is not the problem. Kate is the problem. She is going to be that kid who is all "grenuda" ~ sorry Mexican folks but that is the best I could do to spell it out ~ which means "messy hair". The sight of any comb and the spray bottle and Kate runs away from me yelling, "no no no no no." So taking her to get a cut posed as an issue for me. Lollipop to the rescue! Once Nana held her and she started sucking on her blow-pop she was totally fine. Yancey sprayed her hair with water and starting combing it without any problems. Sorry I don't have any after pictures. I think I was in shock that Kate actually sat still for more than 5 seconds. She was SO good at the salon. I think I am still in shock actually. Anyhoo, stay tuned for "after" pictures.
Don't let anyone tell you different...bribery works!