Thursday, October 21, 2010

Soy Mexicana!

Kate's babysitter is your traditional Mexican woman; she makes chorizo burritos, sopita and fideo, and loves her Mexican music. She has passed her love of Mexican music to Kate. When she hears any "tunka tunka" music as I call it she goes wild. Kate starts bouncing up and down, she claps her hands and squeals or screams with excitement plus she has a big goofy grin on her face. The love of that kind of music gene must have bypassed me and went to Kate. What is really cute is that she knows or I guess I should say understands how the computer works because when the music is over she tries to touch the mouse as if wanting to play the song again. She also know about the speaker we have for our computer and the knob on it to adjust the volume. She always tries to turn up the volume. So funny. I hope you are able to see the video I attached. If not I will snap some pics of her dancing to Ramon Ayala's Piquito de Oro.


  1. Too funny! Is this what you're going to have to blast at her 2nd birthday party?

  2. That is too cute! I wonder if she understands what they're singing too?!! I finally got to catch up on your blog today... you had some really cute pics! Grayson has the same Halloween PJ's! I love them! Thanks again for coming out last weekend, especially being that it was so miserably hot!
