Monday, August 13, 2012

First Day of School

Ha ha fooled you all!  You probably thought that I was writing about Kate's first day of preschool, right?  Since this is the happenings of the Howard's I have to write about Chris' first day as an Assistant Principal!  Well from what I heard from my husband, it went very well.  Look how happy he looks coming back from parking lot duty dressed up in 115 degree weather.  Why not wear a short sleeve button down shirt with a tie you ask?  Because it looks lame and not stylish...remember who Chris is married to?  Plus we don't want him looking like Sipowicz from NYPD Blue.  

In other news...Chris was the AP at McGraw for 3 days.  He is now the AP at Gila Vista Junior High.  What it comes down to is that McGraw did not have the enrollment amount expected to support a position for an AP.  The AP at Gila Vista got a job at the District Office so they moved Chris over.  He is nervous about this, but I read a quote that fits this situation perfectly:  "If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try" - Seth Godin

Good luck Chris, I know you will kick ass and be a great Assistant Principal!  

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