Anyhoo.....On occasion, we like to host a Sunday breakfast with all of the grandparents because we clearly do not spend enough time together (insert sarcastic tone). Kate had all of her grandparents, minus Tata/Big T, making a big fuss over her as they always do. I have noticed that I don't have any pictures or stories with Kate and Bum Bum so here is one. Bum Bum always tells us (well, he tells us MANY stories over and over and over and over...) that when Chris, Melissa and Yancey were very young tikes, babies really, he always rocked them in his arms bending over swinging them in between his legs (man, that is tough on the back). He said they enjoyed that much more than the crank-em-up swings they had back in the day. I guess all of them were pretty colicky, just like Kate! So wait a minute here...she looks just like a Howard and inherited the Colic Curse too?! I hope she gets my flair for fashion or something that is a part of me, beside the diva attitude (please hold the laughs and comments). Anyhoo...rambling again, Bum Bum and Kate had a fun bonding time together while he did his famous swing with her. It was really cute because she laughed and screeched in delight the entire time. When he put her down she reached up for him for more. By the end, Bum Bum was pretty tired but at least I caught some photos of them in action!
(Not a great photo but you can kind of see the huge smile on Kate's face)
(More Bum Bum! Do it again!)
(Whew! Bum Bum is tired!)
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