Friday, July 16, 2010

Introducing the Spoon and Fork

As I had mentioned in the previous post, Kate is beginning to eat with utensils. Here you can take a glimpse of her fancy china and flatware. We are not consistent with the use of utensils but we do try to expose her to it and the use of it when we remember. It is less messy and faster to just feed Kate myself but if we want her to become better with feeding herself, we must give the opportunity, right?!

Kate has also begun to take an interest in television. We don't know if this is a good or bad thing, yet. Kate never had an interest in cartoons, kid videos or Nick Jr. as many of her "friends". Not until very recently, such as this week, has she really sat down or stood still to actually watch what is on TV. Yesterday she was engaging in Blues Clues by pointing, laughing and looking at Chris and I for our reactions. She also has become very interested in her Baby Einstein First Signs video. Yesterday she sat in her chair with tray watching the video while eating her lunch. Kate sat still for 18 minutes! I. Was. Shocked! I don't want to become that mother who sticks her kid in front of the tv, but if it gives me a chance to wash dishes, cook dinner, or do some other task without her tugging on me I will do it!

Kate watching Baby Einstein First Signs

Eh, dumping my food is more fun that eating it


  1. Don't you hate that the suction plates and bowls don't really work?
