I was organizing our hallway closet today when I encountered these old photographs that Andy, Chris' dad, had given me a while ago. I always tell Chris that I think Kate looks EXACTLY like him and now these photos confirm that the Howard gene is very strong! These pictures are of Andy and his uncle John. The back of the photos had been written on indicating Christmas 1949 when Andy was 3 1/2 and John was 14 months old. I thought it would be neat to put pictures of John and Kate next to each other because I think (and Chris agrees) that she looks exactly like him! That is where the curly hair comes from! I tried to find photos where Kate had a similar expression on her face and definitely pics with her "fro" out of control!
Kate on Easter Sunday 2010
Andy and John
Kate and Monkey (she LOVES this monkey) ~ out of control hair!
Andy and John
Kate ~ caught smiling!
Cute pictures of Kate, she's adorable! I hope I get to meet her someday!! I also just read the blog about Blake finally warming up to her. We had the same experience. Guinness our chocolate has always been very tolerant of anything Landon wanted to do with him (like Auggie) but Jack, our black lab has always sort of kept his distance from Landon. Landon's idea of "giving love" is sitting on the dogs like horses. That was okay when he was 20lbs, but not so much anymore. Once Landon learned to love Jack on Jack's terms (sort of like Blake, just being pet all day) Jack finally came around. It's so fun to see kids interact with dogs. I'll catch Landon laying next to them in the kitchen petting them saying, "good boys, good boys". :-)