Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Vacation

Chris and I have 3 weeks off during the Holidays ~ that is the one good thing about working in education. We opted to "keep" Kate for 2 out of the 3 weeks to spend some quality time with her. Next week she is back to the sitter's so we can get some things done around the house. Though it is very tiring dealing with a 21-month old we remind ourselves that she will only be this age one time and want to take advantage of this time with her. It is true what "they say", they do grow up way too fast! The good moments definitely supersede the difficult toddler-hood are a few:

Reading a wine catalog with daddy ~ awwww, how sweet!

Emulating mom at what I do best, shop and talk...

"so, like, I was telling you, she said that he said..."

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