It's the MOST wonderful time of the year, c'mon everybody sing along with me! Ok, so maybe not. In my little world I think that I am going to get the whole family together in matching outfits to take a family picture. In my head I envisioned Kate smiling and laughing and taking pictures with all her favorite people. What of course ends up happening is that it takes us much longer to get ready and prepare for this day, instead of actual picture taking. We arrived in downtown Yuma to take family photos. This was supposed to be our Christmas cards and gifts to Kate's grandparents. She was supposed to take pictures with each set of grandparents and of course do a whole picture taking bonanza with several different shots (i.e., Chris with his parents and Kate, Chris with his mom and Kate, me with my mom and step-dad and Kate, you get the idea). What ends up happening is what you see illustrated in these pictures. Kate had her own agenda, as she always does. She wanted to run up and down stairs and we were getting in the way of her fun; how dare we?! Well all the hysteria, aggravation, and headaches aside these are definately worth keeping to remind Miss Kate what a lil' pill she was, is. Hope your family photos are memorable too!
"I want to play on this ball, no, wait, I change my mind, get me off!"
"You take her, no, you take her, you got her? no, you got her? no."
Baby gap dress & tights $50, Grandma Delia's outfit $??, 3 Hours primping, Kate not partaking in the photo session ~ priceless.
Ha ha! That sounds about right. :-)