Friday, March 25, 2011

It's Stuck

Kate's favorite phrase is "It's Stuck...". Everything is stuck. I'm Stuck, It's stuck, baby stuck, monkey stuck...the list goes on and on. Here she is with Q-tips in her ears, and notice everything else in the background that she pulled from drawers and cabinets. Dang kid.

"It's stuck"...typically we do not let Kate "clean" her own ears ~ but sure is a picture worthy shot.

Kind of related to the Q-tip in the ears is that Kate had her 2-year well-check with her new pediatrician, Dr. Allou. I really like him so far. He has the best bedside manners and asked me if I had any concerns and really listened to what I had to say. He took his time and I did not feel rushed at all. Kate weighed 28.2 pounds and is 35 inches tall. He asked me if I had any concerns and I told him that I wondered if she should be more advanced in her speech/language skills. He asked me several questions and I relayed that she has very strong receptive language; she can follow directions; she is repeating words, etc. However, my concern is that she has vocabulary but does not use them. At times she calls out what something is but most of the time it is grunting or whining and we have to tell her how or what to say. That I believe is her stubborn hard headed ways, and the fact that she is spoiled (I blame Nana). He really did not seem concerned at all and told me to "stimulate" her more and watch for her to put two words together within the next 2-3 months. That statement kind of made me feel like a bad parent. I work full-time at work and in the home, so excuse me if I don't "stimulate" her enough?! I know that is not what he meant but I think it is my mother's guilt getting to me. Believe me, I read to her but Kate typically does not sit still so reading to her can be a challenge. She does LOVE her books, but everything is on her terms. Ok, enough ranting. That being said, they wanted to check her hearing to rule out if hearing is an issue...well, she failed her hearing screening in both ears. So now Miss Kate is being referred to an Audiologist. Wish us luck! The audiologist office told me that the appointment will take one to two hours. Ummmm, Kate can't sit still for more than 2-minutes so I am curious to see what they do. My mom told me that I had to see an audiologist as a toddler, interesting.

Below is a picture unrelated to this post, but too cute not to post!

Cake for breakfast? sure, why's FRIDAY!


  1. Well, did you remove the q-tips before the hearing test? (I'm sorry, I couldn't resist) I of course hope there is nothing wrong with her hearing and also that the 1-2 hour hearing test is not complete hell for you. Hopefully they try to make it fun or something because two hours would be a lot for a toddler. Good luck.

  2. You are a great parent Annette & "stimulate" your child just plenty! Look at the fabulous party you just threw for her! I hope everything is ok with her hearing. Keep us posted :-)

  3. Holy Cow, I can't believe how much she looks like Tuffy! Miss you guys!
