Thursday, March 17, 2011

Yeah, I dress myself, what of it?

This is too cute not to post. Kate loves trying to dress herself, but the feat of it frustrates her; I would too if my pants wouldn't go over my head! Our new routine in the evenings is that she can pick her PJ's. This is what she chose yesterday evening.

Kate is so independent and she has been from the get go. That is what I love about her. Trying to dress herself, putting on her shoes, and feeding herself are things she has pretty much mastered. To encourage her independance I try to have things at her level so that she can get them herself. Her snacks and cereals are at hands reach in the pantry and she takes full advantage of this. I will see her come from there with a bag of something, not always the healthiest but we make up for it with giving her veggies and fruits, which she loves by the way. Here she is snacking on something.

I LOVE this FACE!!!!!

Here is her "sweet" face I talk about.

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