I have not posted in a very long time so I wanted to update what has been going on. First, some sad news. I contemplated writing about this, but feel that this is an important part of history for Kate. We all know the economy is in the toilet and everybody has been struggling. People are losing their jobs and homes right now. The real estate market is the worst it has been in years and people are comparing this time to the "crash" of 1929 and the "Reagan era" of the 80's. Anyhow, we were affected by this as we have had cut in our salaries for the past 2 years. Our house is worth less than what we owe and things became incredibly tight and stressful for us. That being said, we decided to put our house on the market and "short-sell" it. I want Kate to know how strong we are as a family. This has made all of us closer and made us realize that a house is just a structure and the people in it make a home. Yes, we are sad that we had to leave the home we brought Kate home for the first time. But the stress is dissipating and we are much happier in our new house that we are making a home.
(Helping daddy pack)
In other news Kate is talking more and more each day! I have to admit I was getting worried because (a) I am a neurotic freak; (b) am a school psychologist; and (c) am a first time mom. I thought Kate may have a speech delay or something else. But, I did keep telling myself that each child develops at their own pace as I tell parents that I deal with daily. I can't think of all the words she is saying but it is pretty cute to listen to her. Her receptive language has always been her strong point so now we are truly communicating with one another. Now she will actually choose something when you ask her. For instance, her favorite shows are Blue's Clues, Yo Gabba Gabba, and Go Diego Go. So you can ask her if she wants to watch either of those and she will either say, "no" or "ya". Or, she will say "Bluesh Cues", "Yo Yo" or "Godiegogogo". The other day I walked into the living room and she was singing and clapping to Go Diego Go. So cute. Please is "pleesh". She even picked up an English accent and is saying "mumm-aaay" for mommy.
(Now, Kate looks at the camera and says, "cheesh")
In other other news, Kate is starting to fight me on what she wants to wear. Luckily she likes girly stuff like sandals and dresses. But when she wants to wear them in 50-some degree weather in the morning it is not a good thing. She also LOVES her baby and stroller and wants to diaper her baby, change her baby (in Kate's clothes), and every morning she says, "baby? baby?". So I think her birthday gifts will probably include a lot of baby doll stuff. Speaking of, party plans are under way and I can't believe that Chris and I will have a 2-year old on our hands!
Yea for your little chatterbox! Molly does the same thing with her clothes. I make a point to keep her out of her closet because she'll inevitably pick out something that either doesn't fit anymore, or isn't weather appropriate. As far as your history knowledge, I'll leave it to Chris to correct you, but I will say that you are online...try google :-) hahaha